Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chapter 1- Story of the Door

What is Mr. Utterson's relationship to Mr. Enfield?

  • Mr. Utteron and Mr. Enfield are distantly related to each other. They are friends who enjoy each other's company
How are the two men alike, different?
  • Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield are alike in the sense that they are both reserved, formal, and scornful of gossip. They are ifferent in the sense that Mr. Utterson is well respected and then Enfield is much more wild.
Compare and contrast the description of the building and door used by Mr. Hyde and Enfield's description of him.
  • Enfield described the place as well lit, very nice, but very empty.
How does Stevenson seem to be using setting to convey a sense of the man?
  • Although this place was a very nice looking building for the most part, it is ugly at the samw time in the sense of loneliness.
What is the story of Cain and Abel?
  • After Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they gave birth to their oldest sons, Cain and Abel. God asked Cain and Abel to sacrafice something to him Abel was very thoughtful in what he would sacrifice for God and decided to give up one of his lambs. Cain only gave up fruit and grain. Cain was jealous of Abel and killed him because of it. God punished Cain with a curse of wandering for eternity.
What does it mean that Mr Utterson says he inclines to Cain's heresy in his dealings with others? Explain why you agree of disagree with this way of dealing with your acquaintances. Do you feel you would want to ignore or confront them with their failing or foolishness so they would imrove their lives?
  • I agree with Mr. Utterson's decision because sometimes, it is better to just mind your own business and to walk away. I personally would confront the person about their failings and foolishness so that they know that they need to stop and take things more seriously.
Although both Utterson and Enfield protest that they prefer to mind their own business, both men actively seek to help others. Describe Enfield's reaction to Hyde's colliion with the little girl. Do you think a citizen today would respond similarly to a wrong doer? Why or why not?
  • Enfield confronted Hyde. He gave Enfield a lookthat made him break out into a sweat. I think people today would react similarly, except they would probably be more agressive towards the man.


  1. It really helped me with my homework

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. doing my english homework, thank you for the answers!

  6. Ohh I really appreciate the answers...because this story was literally driving me crazy...thank you thank you so much!!!
